I know I signed up for a pack of Reading Challenges for this 2017 year of reading, but I kept meaning to come back and write my intro posts for the rest of the ones I decided to join, and it just never ended up happening. So I'm going to do it now, so that I can keep track online of what I accomplish. Here are 6 more challenges I'm committing to for 2017:
First Up is Pages Read 2017
I am going to aim for 5,000 pages per month which is 60,000 pages this year and is the Oak level for this challenge.
The Couples Reading Challenge
DH and I both love reading and we've pledged to read at least one book together every month this year. Our choice for the Inspirational category for January was The Art of Racing in the Rain. The theme for February is Marriage/Intimacy and we are still trying to narrow down a choice for that one.
Flights of Fantasy Reading Challenge 2017
I have a special challenge to do with my husband, and one to do primarily with my middle kiddo (that would be The Picture Book Reading Challenge), so I wanted to find a challenge to do with my oldest son. He is 10 and loves Fantasy books so this is the perfect challenge for him and I. We are going to aim for 1 book per month at least.
2017 Parenting Reading Challenge
I have a large number of homeschooling books that keep languishing on my TBR pile so I think this challenge will be a kick in the rear for me to get on them. I'll likely throw in some "regular" parenting books as well as I come across them. There are no levels but I'm aiming for 6 over the year at the minimum.
2017 Book to Movie Reading Challenge
I am going to aim for Level 3b for this challenge which means reading 4+ books from any release year, as well as watching 4+ movies from any release year.
Last but not least for this list, Read all the Youth Media Award Books in 2017 Challenge
I don't know if I will be able to finish this entire list before the end of 2017, but there are a lot of great books on this list (full list available by clicking the title of the challenge above). I figure if I finish even a few, it'll be worthwhile to focus on.