Ok the first week of 2012 is coming to an end (is it just me or is time FLYING?). This was not as productive a week as I'd like but I managed to sneak in a fair amount of reading while the kids were asleep.
1. Make a budget every month
-January budget done! Unfortunately we had two unexpected expenses this month and so it's tightened everything up but other than that we are staying on track.
2. Attend 13 weeks of FPU classes
-These start on Wednesday. I can't wait. We just need to get a sitter interviewed and hired and we will be set.
3. Get a job
-Nothing done on this so far but it's moving up the list
4. Read 100 books
-I am finished four books so far (will do a separate post for reviews. I have two on the go, one "real" book and one ebook for when I'm reading with the lights out.
5. Go on at least two dates per month with James
-First date night was last night and we had a great time! We had some drinks and curled up watching Grey's Anatomy. All three boys spent the night with their Auntie and Uncle and cousins. And tonight we are switching off and my niece and nephew are soundly sleeping with their cousins here while their parents get a well deserved date night.
6. Organize each room in my house
-I am working on the bedroom and loving how it's coming along.
7. Complete The Love Dare
-I decided to spend more than one day per "dare" (there are forty). I have done day one and day two so far. It's challenging me more than I thought it would but I love the readings and the effort I'm putting in is worth it for sure.
8. Get rid of all remaining TAPS inventory
-Did not do anything with this this week.
9. Send out cards and letters on a regular basis
-My new address labels came on Friday so I am going to start on this this week.
10. Get all three boys sleeping in their own beds and the two little ones out of diapers
-No progress at all on diapers, however the big boys have both started every night this week except one (when I wasn't here) in their own beds! And Tobias stayed there all buy one night! Two miracles I didn't think would come nearly so fast. Linus has only had one night of not sleeping at least part of the night with us (and even that night I had to carry him back to bed a couple of times) but even that is an improvement. Malachi is in with us for now until the other two are more settled.
11. Complete C25K and the Walk With Leslie program
-I didn't do any of this this week :-(
12. Read through the bible
-I managed to make it all the way through Genesis this week and through Exodus chapter 1-35. I am exceedingly happy with myself for taking quiet time to myself to do this.
Overall a pretty good week goal wise when I see it all written out. I hope everyone else had a good first week of 2012 too!
We are doing this too! I say we because we have a team of three of us who meet every week so we are not the only ones holding ourselves accountable. We love celebrating our accomplishments with group "YAAAAAAAAAAAAY"'s :)