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Original artwork by Charles Haigh-Wood (1856-1927) |
The Picture Book Reading Challenge (sign up here/read my intro post here) has really motivated Linus and I to branch out our reading choices. He and I read every book together with big brother and little brother joining in most of the time. Our goal was to read at least 8 books that fit our list this month because he turned 8 on Saturday. We hit the #8 mark a couple of weeks ago when I first posted our intro post. Since then we just kept reading.
As we stand now:
24 out of 102 read (items in red are new since the last update, items in green are in progress, usually non fiction with a lot of words on each page that we like to enjoy in bite sizes)
S is for Scientists: A Discovery Alphabet by Larry Verstraete
_ 2. A counting book
Hat Tricks Count: A Hockey Numbers Book by Matt Napier
_ 3. Concept book: shapes or numbers or opposites or colors
Beatrice's Goat by Page McBrier
_ 5. a book set in the city or in an urban area
Are You the Pirate Captain by Gareth P. Jones and Garry Patterson
The Quiet Little Woman by Louisa May Alcott
The Sheep Go On Strike by Jean-Francois Dumont
Mortimer by Robert Munsch
Without Wings, Mother, How Can I Fly? by Norma Farber
Magic Trash: A Story of Tyree Guyton and His Art by Jane Shapiro
Mama Does the Mambo by Katherine Leiner
_ 13. a book celebrating music
My Family Tree and Me by Dusan Petricic
You're All My Favorites by Sam McBratney
Snow Day by Lester L. Laminack
_ 17. a book about pets (cats, dogs, fish)
_ 18. a book celebrating libraries or reading
The Happy Troll by Max Bolliger
_ 20 Mother Goose related
The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright
Help a Hamster: A Gentle Introduction to Adoption by Hilary Robinson
_ 22 a book by Gail Gibbons
Math Curse by Jon Scieszka
_ 24 a book featured on Reading Rainbow
_ 25 free choice
_ 26 out of print
_ 27 wordless picture book
_ 28 a book by Margaret Wise Brown
_ 29 a board book
_ 30. a book about trains or planes
_ 31. a book about cars or trucks
_ 32. a book about starting school
_ 33. a book about friendship (sharing, caring, forgiving)
_ 34. a book about being ME, about being unique, special, loved, etc.
_ 35. a fairy tale
Bully Goat Grim by Willy Claflin
_ 37. a book about a holiday
_ 38. a new-to-you author
_ 39. a new-to-you illustrator
Subway Mouse by Barbara Reid
The Super Red Racer: Junior Discovers Work by Dave Ramsey
_ 42. a book celebrating food (cooking, eating, trying new foods, eating healthy)
McElligot's Pool by Dr. Seuss
_ 44. a book published in the 1950s
_ 45. a book published in the 1960s
_ 46. a book published in the 1970s
_ 47. a book published in the 1980s
_ 48. a book published in the 1990s
_ 49. a book published in the 2000s
No Pirates Allowed! Said Library Lou by Rhonda Gowler Greene
_ 51. a book published in 2017
_ 52. a book by Dr. Seuss
_ 53. a book by Mo Willems
_ 54. a book by Jan Thomas
_ 55. a book by Eric Carle
_ 56. a book by Laura Numeroff
_ 57. a book by Patricia Polacco
_ 58. a book by Jon Klassen
_ 59. a book by Beatrix Potter
_ 60. a book by Kevin Henkes
_ 61. a book written or illustrated by LeUyen Pham
_ 62. a Caldecott winner
_ 63. a Caldecott honor
_ 64. a picture book biography
_ 65. a nonfiction picture book
_ 66. a book from your childhood
_ 67. a book you discovered as an adult
_ 68. a book celebrating writing, being an author or illustrator
_ 69. a library book
_ 70. an audio book
_ 71. a book about dinosaurs OR dragons
Creepy but Cool Snakes by Julie K. Lundgren
_ 73. a challenged book OR a controversial book
_ 74. a book that makes you laugh
_ 75. a book that makes you cry
_ 76. hate the text, love the art
Now or Later Alligator by Precious McKenzie
The Barefoot Book of Children by Tessa Strickland, Kate DePalma, David Dean
_ 79. a book with an ugly cover
_ 80. a book about toys
_ 81. a book about weather
_ 82. a picture book for older readers
_ 83. a book of jokes, riddles, tongue-twisters
The Science Zone: Jokes, Riddles, Tongue Twisters & Daffynitions by Gary Chmielewski
_ 84. a book about seasons
Deep in the Swamp by Donna M. Bateman
_ 86. a poetry book
_ 87. a book by a celebrity
_ 88. a book published in Australia
_ 89. a book published in the UK
_ 90. a book about science or math
_ 91. a book about history or historical event
_ 92. a book about sports
_ 93. a book about celebrating birthdays
_ 94. a book about a President or world leader
_ 95. a book about another country
_ 96. a book celebrating faith
_ 97. a pop-up book, or, a book with cut-outs or flaps or fold-outs
_ 98. a bilingual book
_ 99. a television series that has been adapted to a book
_ 100. a book that has been adapted to a television series
_ 101. an adaptation of a myth or legend
_ 102. a book about babies
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